Monday, October 28, 2013

in ma crib watching netflixxx

so theres not been much going on lately, other than the typical "drama", and after all my hw the funnest thing to do ever is cozy up with food and watch netflix seasons at a time because one episode isnt enough idiots. ;)
so there are so many shows and they are all so good you dont even understand and here are some of my favs

teen wolf

a bunch of ok looking teenagers who turn super hot overthe course of three seasons with humor, romance, drama,and of course werewolves, it literally cannot get better than this. {stiles man stiles}


this super awesome assasin lady with a protege who is as equally awesome and all the drama and hardcore action that comes along with assassins for assassins and plot twists and its really good guys.
(psst if youve ever seen the movie A Walk To Remember, then the guy from it is in it and he got pretty awesome as a trained killer)

the office

ok this show is literally one of my favorite shows ever because it brought my family together and its about all these awkward and hilarious office situations and then theres dwight.
all you need to know about him is that BEARS. BEETS. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

new girl

this modern show about the life of one super quirky schoolteacher living with an ex-pro basketball player, a cutish guy who doesnt really have a job or something but everybody loves them together, and a schmidt.

theres way more but itll take totes forevs to write about all of them and i'd fall asleep giving out spoilers so enjoy these for now and comment if you want more :)


  1. I love New Girl! It's so hilarious. I'm all caught up on Netflix. I'm currently watching the last season of The Office on Netflix too.

  2. hehe i have a cousin named nikita ok that was random bye
